Float Cum Boost Charger Dc Power Supplies


•Power Stations
•Switchgear Stations
•Metal industries,
•Housing Colonies
•Chemical plants

Battery Types

•Lead Acid
•VRLA•SMF •Plante
•Nickle Cadmium NiCd
•Tubular Plate •Etc..


•24/30/110/220 VDC
•5 Amps -1500 Amps
•Input 230(1P)/415(3P)


Product description

Choosing the Right Battery Charger?

Baid Power Services P. Ltd. is having over 30 years of experience in designing and manufacturing various types of Industrial Float & Float cum Boost chargers. BPS Industrial Float Chargers  FCBC, FCBC Battery Charger, and Float Charging are designed to supply a constant DC source for continuous load and intermittent DC loads and simultaneously keep the connected batteries in fully charged condition. These are Constant Current – Constant Voltage chargers. Chargers are Transformer-based and have full bridge rectifiers consisting of SCR / Diode or SCR-SCR modules with phase angle control loops to automatically control the charging rate for a wide range of batteries. BPS chargers are suitable for Float Charging all kinds of batteries like VRLA, Ni-Cad, Tubular, Plante, etc. Float Charging

The primary functions of a Battery Charger are:
a) To Boost charge the discharged battery,
b) To float charge the battery to maintain its self-discharge losses.
c) To supply DC load with Mains ON condition.

While selecting the right type of chargers for specific applications, the following points may be considered:
a) Application critically, For critical application, the charger selected must have very high redundancy.
b) Location of installation, For installation at remote locations, high redundancy is required.
c) Type of battery and
d) Cost factor

Technical Specification

Aux: : 415V. AC ( 3 Phase) / 240 V (1 Phase)+/- 20 %/ +/- 10%, 50 Hz. +/- 3 Hz.
Output : 30 V, 48 V, 110 V, and 220 V. DC supply battery 
Battery Type : Lead Acid / SMF/PLANTE/ NiCd
Indications and instruments : Indications for 3-phase mains supply
: Float / Boost section
: AC Volt meter with selector switch
: DC Volt meter with selector switch and battery volt
: DC Amps meter for load
: DC Amps meter for Charging.
Protection : MCB for Mains incoming supply
: MCB for output load
: Overload cut out by electronics circuit
: Over Voltage cut-out by electronics circuit
: Single phasing, under voltage for mains
Housing and Enclosure : Heavy-duty Sheet Steel Enclosure Finished with Powder Coated paint.
Operation : Auto/Manual
Control : CC/ CV close loop
Rectifier : Full wave half controlled bridge
Optional : Fuse protection for each rectifier element
: Fuse failure relay
: DC Earth Fault Relay
: Alarm Annunciation
: Dual Float Charger option
: Any other as per requirement.

Different Charging Schemes with Block

The Float Cum Boost charger has a single Transformer Rectifier. Float & Float cum Boost charger FCBC has two modes of operation. If the battery demands current over a set limit, the charger operates under Boost Mode. As soon the battery reaches the desired voltage level, it operates under Float mode. When the charger is under Boost mode, the load is fed through a tape cell or dropping diodes. When it is under Float mode, the battery is connected to the load directly and floats the battery. This is a very cost-effective solution where an application is not so critical. VRLA, PLANTE, or Tubular types of batteries can be connected with these chargers.


Float & Boost charger (FCBC) has two Transformers Rectifiers. Float charger FCBC is directly connected to the load & Boost charger is connected directly to the battery. During normal operation, the Float charger is on and continues to supply the DC load, and the battery is floated with it. If the battery is discharged and demands current over a set limit, the Boost charger is switched on. The boost charger is switched off automatically on the battery reaches the desired voltage level. During Boost operation, the FCBC battery is connected to load through the tapped cell and diode. In the event of Mains failure or changeover, a DC contractor is used to short the diode thus connecting the battery directly. This is a reasonably priced & effective solution where the application is not very critical. VRLA, PLANTE, or Tubular types of batteries can be connected with these chargers.


Float & Float cum Boost charger (FCBC) :

Float & Float cum Boost charger (FCBC) also has two Transformers Rectifiers. The float charger is directly connected to the load & Float cum Boost charger is connected directly to the battery. During normal operation, the Float charger is on and continues to supply the DC load, and the battery is floated with it. If the battery is discharged and demands current over a set limit, the Float cum Boost charger is switched on. The float cum Boost charger is switched off automatically on the battery reaches desired voltage level. During Boost operation, the battery is connected to load through the tapped cell and diode. In the event of Mains failure or changeover, a DC contractor is used to short the diode thus connecting the battery directly. An added advantage is that on the failure of the main Float charger, the Float Cum Boost charger charges the battery and simultaneous supply the dc load. This is a moderately priced & effective solution where the application requires a redundant float system. VRLA, PLANTE, or Tubular types of batteries can be connected with these chargers.


This type of Chargers has two independent FCBC Float cum Boost Chargers housed in one cabinet. It is a fully redundant system and flexible charger. Each charger can be set to work as a Float charger and each charger can work as a Boost charger. In auto mode, when the battery needs Boost charging, any charger can be pre-selected to work as a Boost charger and other chargers will automatically work in Float mode. The charger selected for Boost is disconnected from Load. After completion of boost charging, the charger will be automatically connected to the load thus both the charger and battery are in parallel mode. This type of charger is required for most critical systems where high redundancy is required. These are also recommended for remote installations. Prices of this type of charger are on the higher side.


    Contact Us

    • Address : Baid Power Services Pvt. Ltd.
      152, Block B, Lake Town, Kolkata-700089
      West Bengal, India.

    • Phone : +91 (033) 2521 0322

    • Phone : +91 (033) 2534 3662

    • Phone : +91 (033) 4067 8112